The website homepage, this is the only frontend page in the project to be stored outside of the content folder. This means that index.html has access to all the same templating features as partials and shortcodes. A full breakdown of how to configure the homepage can be found in Hugo's documentation.
Folder containing the template files for baseof.html, list.html and single.html. Between them these templates define the underlying structure adn features of all pages within the project.
Learn more about Hugo TemplatesPartials
Partials are smaller, context-aware components that can be used economically reduce code duplication throughout the project. In COLONY websites these are primarily used to define reusable HTML snippets that are injected into all pages (such as headers & footers) or to provide template functionality to static content pages.
Learn More about PartialsVideo Overview
Folder containing various pre-built website elements such as pre-loaders, popups and promotional modals. All elements are created using
File containing the HTML code for the website footer, this will be injected into all pages (unless otherwise specified). This partial comes with some simple footer HTML already installed, including a copyright message and the COLONY branding link. The footer.html file can be customised as needed to match the style required for the project.
File containing markup for the HTML head tag, this will be injected into all pages. This partial come with much of the standard configuratin already competed, such as meta tags, title, description, open graph sharing tags and various links to css and js files. Additional tags can be added to the head.html file as needed to match the requirements of the project.
File containing the HTML code for the website nav bar and menu, this will be injected into all pages (unless otherwise specified). This partial comes with a simple navigation bar and menu pre-installed. The header.html file can be customised or be replaced with alternative components as required tp match the style for the project.
File containing script tags linking to Javascript (& some CSS files) for Colony Components and various third party libraries. All third party links are wrapped in conditional statements controlled by the configScripts.json file in the Data folder. This allows libraries to only be included as required by the project to reduce uneccessary loading.
Shortcodes are simple snippets that can be added inside content files to access template features or reduce duplication of code. In COLONY this folder is initially empty with no pre-installed functional files. It is however, commonly used during the build process to hold custom shortcodes created for the project.
Learn More about Shortcodes